Medical News

New Treatment for Chronic Heel Pain

What is Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT)?

Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) is a new and innovative way to treat patients with chronic heel pain. Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) devices developed from lithotripters - kidney stone shock wave devices. The ESWT device delivers high-energy sound waves to the affected area causing microscopic damage to the tissue in the surrounding area, thereby promoting new tissue growth and healing.

Who would benefit from this new treatment?

ESWT is indicated for patients who have experienced heel pain for six months or more and have not responded to conservative treatment.

What are the benefits of ESWT treatment?

The benefits of ESWT include a safe non-invasive (no cutting) alternative, usually with a single treatment visit, a fast recovery and quick return to work and normal activities. Studies have shown very high success rates in eliminating or significantly reducing pain. Local or regional anesthesia will be administered before the treatment begins. The entire procedure usually takes less than 30 minutes and is performed at an outpatient surgery center

What can I expect after the ESWT treatment?

After this is performed the patient may experience some discomfort, bruising, and swelling for a few days, which is normal and expected. The doctor may prescribe a mild pain medication and orthotics for your shoes. You may also be restricted or limited to stressful activities, such as running, sports, or carrying heavy loads, for up to four weeks. A follow up visit with your doctor should be scheduled for six to eight weeks after the treatment.

What are the possible complications from the ESWT treatment?

Some possible complications include numbness, tingling, reddening or bruising in the treated foot. Some patients will experience pain which may last from a few days to several weeks after the treatment.

If you have more questions about the treatment or would like to be evaluated to see if you are a candidate for ESWT, please contact us for an appointment at 610.489.2533 for Trappe, or 607.797.7121 for Endicott.

Extra Depth (Diabetic) Shoes Now Available

Extra Depth shoes are designed for the particular needs of the diabetic patient. However, patients with other foot conditions can benefit from Extra Depth Shoes.

Anyone can purchase shoes from our office. Patients who are diabetic, have Medicare as their primary insurance, and meet certain eligibility criteria are able to receive one pair of shoes per year. This service is covered under the benefits of their Medicare insurance.

If you would like more information or would like to be evaluated to see if you qualify for our Diabetic Shoe program, please call 610.489.2533 for Trappe, or 607.797.7121 for Endicott.

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